The correlation between reading comprehension and critical thinking in Spanish high school: coinciding characteristics and a proposal for analysis.
Critical thinking, critical judgement, reading comprehension, Spanish baccalaureateAbstract
Reading comprehension is one of the four skills covered in both mother tongue and foreign language teaching. Critical thinking, on the other hand, has received much less attention, but it can be argued that its acquisition is one of the main objectives of education. It is therefore of particular interest to define them and to elucidate whether there is a correlation between the two.
This article aims to narrow down both concepts. Specifically, it starts from their generic definitions in various sources and then focuses on the definitions in the Spanish Baccalaureate legislation. It then tries to find commonalities in the descriptions of the two in order to establish to what extent they overlap. Finally, it sets out possible lines of research in order, at a later stage, to try to collect data to confirm whether such a correlation occurs in practice.
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